The phrase "supreme pleasure" is associated with quality sex and fine dining. Do you know that one can go well with the other?
If you decide to arrange a romantic date, then you should start with delicious food. Today you will find out which foods increase potency. They should always be on your table.
If for some reason problems began to appear in terms of "male power", then this should be seriously thought about and certain steps should be taken to correct the situation.
Now medicine in its arsenal has a large number of pharmacological agents for male potency. This, of course, is great, but do not forget that there are also natural products that help improve a man's potency.
Craving for life
Each of us knows what aphrodisiacs are. They are considered food "favorites". The Chinese have always loved spices and seafood the most. In ancient Egypt, garlic was commonly chosen. This amazing product enhances blood circulation.
In France, there is a custom for newlyweds to eat at least three dishes of asparagus before their first night. Slavic aphrodisiacs include eggs and sour cream.
Hormones of Passion
It is said that aphrodisiacs are divided into male and female. But the vast majority of them have a positive impact on partners. After all, they contain vitamins A and E. These substances contribute to the production of sex hormones. Without them, high-quality sexual intercourse simply cannot be. You should also provide your body with boron, chromium and zinc. After all, they are energizing.
Bananas must be included in your diet. They are rich in potassium. These beautiful fruits are able to give the "hormone of passion. "
You shouldn't forget the mango either. It was used by the Aztecs, as they knew that it increases libido. Most of us love avocados. It contains a sufficient amount of fatty acids. They have a beneficial effect on reproductive functions.
Regarding melon, it is worth saying that it increases sexual appetite, because it has an amazing taste. If you want to increase libido, then you should also consume citrus fruits. They are great for boosting your spirits. As for the artichoke, it provides the genitals with oxygen.
Again about the gifts of the water element
If you are interested in what foods increase potency, pay attention to seafood. If you regularly
We recommend that you make yourself a kelp salad at least once in a while. Recall that it is saturated with manganese, iodine and zinc. These substances have a beneficial effect on the hormonal background.
"Honey, what to cook? "
If you want to help your loved one improve potency, then you should listen to what American experts recommend. It's great if there are mushrooms on your table. If your chosen one consumes them along with seafood, then his libido will improve significantly. When creating dishes, be sure to use olive oil. It makes food taste better. Recall that the vitamin E in it has a positive effect on well-being in general.
During the preparation of the culinary "masterpiece" you will need spices. For example, cloves, curry, rosemary, etc. Do not forget to use honey too. It is considered the true food of the gods, giving strength. Use it when making treats.
When are tablets needed?
It happens that there is no time for a long process of improving erectile function, because a date is already scheduled for the evening! What to do in this case? You should not despair, because there is an opportunity to purchase pills and get real pleasure from sex!